A simple yet powerfull theme that enables you to create the look and feel of your entire website.
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Template Tags
You can design your overall appearence of your website with Header and Footer, Horizontal or Vertical, your choosing the sky’s the limit.
Now it is possible to design the way your blog page looks like. It is flexible and easy to make sidebars and add widgets using only Elementor.
Like [archive] you can design category page to look at a certain way. Also you can design individual term pages and individual post types.
Position and design every aspect of your post page. It works with every info of a post, like: {{content}}, {{post_excerpt}}, {{post_title}}, {{custom_fields}}.
Design the way you want your article list from an [archive] or [category] to look like with the same flexibility of buiding a [single] post.
Search is an [archive] template but you can use {{s}} for the search word and complements [no-results] and [404] templates.
Naming Examples
To create a theme with Eletheme you need to create posts in Elementor Library with certain naming. It doesn't care about slug, only the title matters.
Check Elementor Library and look for this posts. If you don’t have them create them:
- [body]
- container for all the contet, here you can add header and footer
- _[default]
- the default container and is used in case other specific templates are not found
- _[default]_[archive]
- the default container of an archive page
- _[default]_[loop]
- the post loop template
- _[default]_[single]
- the post single template
- _[default]_[search]
- the container for search results
- _[default]_[no-results]
- the template for no results page
- [404]
- the template for 404 page
Check Elementor Library and look for this posts. If you don’t have them create them:
- [body]
- container for all the contet, here you can add header and footer
- _[default]
- the default container and is used in case other specific templates are not found
- _[default]_[archive]
- the default container of an archive page
- _post_news_[archive]
- the container of an archive page for posts News category
- _post_news_[loop]
- the template of a post in the category News in loop
- _post_news_[category]
- the container of News category or subcategories
- _post_news_[single]
- the template of the post from News category
- _post_latest-news_[archive]
- the container of an archive page for Posts Latest News category
- _[default]_[loop]
- the post loop template
- _[default]_[single]
- the post single template
- _[default]_[search]
- the container for search results
- _[default]_[no-results]
- the template for no results page
- [404]
- the template for 404 page
Check Elementor Library and look for this posts. If you don’t have them create them:
- [body]
- container for all the contet, here you can add header and footer
- _[default]
- the default container and is used in case other specific templates are not found
- _[default]_[archive]
- the default container of an archive page
- _[default]_[loop]
- the post loop template
- _[default]_[single]
- the post single template
- _[default]_[search]
- the container for search results
- _product_[archive]
- the container archive of the post_type Product (wich woocommerce uses and it’s used by the default Woocommerce Shop Page)
- _product_[loop]
- the template of each product in loop
- _product_[single]
- the template of each single product
- _product_[category]
- the container of a product category
- _product_socks_[loop]
- the template of a product in loop for socks category
- _[default]_[no-results]
- the template for no results page
- [404]
- the template for 404 page
You must replace the {{brackets}} with the actual value
- [body]
- for header and footer
- _[default]
- container for all post types
- _{{post->type}}_{{term->slug}}_[archive]
- container for a specific category archive
- _{{post->type}}_[archive]
- container for archive of the post type
- _{{post->type}}_[category]
- container for archive of a category
- _{{post->type}}_[loop]
- summary template of a post in a loop
- _{{post->type}}_[single]
- single template of a post
- _[default]_[search]
- container for search results
- _[default]_[no-results]
- template for no results
- [404]
- 404 template
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How to use keywords
Every keyword that looks like this: {{keyword}} (with double curly brackets) would be replaced with the actual value from $wp_query or $post objects and custom fields
Here are some keywords that are commonly used in templates:
Post Object:
{{post_name}} | string | The post’s slug |
{{permalink}} | string | The post’s permalink |
{{post_title}} | string | The title of the post |
{{post_date}} | string | Format: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
{{post_date_gmt}} | string | Format: 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
{{post_content}} or {{content}} | string | The full content of the post |
{{post_excerpt}} | string | User-defined post excerpt |
Se more Values here:
Query vars:
{{pagename}} | string | Page name |
{{day}} | string | Day |
{{minute}} | string | Minute |
{{monthnum}} | string | Month format : 00 |
{{s}} | string | Searched word |
{{search}} | string | Search |
{{year}} | string | Year |
{{category_name}} | string | Category name |
See more vars here:
Custom fields:
For custom fields just put the slug of the custom field inside double curly brackets: {{custom_field_slug}} .
Add custom keywords to the eletheme
Make a child theme of the Eletheme and add this to your function.php:
add_filter( 'eletheme_vars', function ( $custom_vars ) { $custom_vars['current-year']=date('Y'); return $custom_vars; });
The above example gives you the {{current-year}} with the value of date(‘Y’) which is the current year in YYYY format.
Archive keywords:
The main keyword in archive containers is {{content}} it would be replaced with [loop] or [single] templates.
Woo comerce keywords:
For product templates you can add {{_price}} for the price and {{pa_attribute}} replace the “attribute” with the name of the attribuite.
Featured image:
Select Dynamic Value on Image widget or on Column or Section Background.
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